After being involved in a work-related accident, you may need to take time off work. Being unable to earn a living could be devastating for your family financially. Fortunately, by securing workers’ compensation benefits, you can stay afloat until you can get back to work. While it may be tempting to accept the workers’ comp …
On the job injuries can happen anywhere and at any time, regardless of your occupation. While every job comes with certain risks specific to that particular field, there are some jobs that are obviously more dangerous than others. In terms of worker injuries, the construction industry is one of the highest in terms of the …
In Rhode Island, laws surrounding employment appear rather straightforward. Full-time employment, contractors, unions and non-union positions, and everything in between are in play, which can make navigating a questionable firing or the aftermath of a workers’ compensation claim difficult. If you find yourself wondering how or if you can sue your employer in Rhode Island, …
Who pays workers’ compensation benefits? Most employers are subject to workers’ compensation laws and are required to purchase workers’ compensation insurance to cover employees. Employments that are exempt from this requirement may include agricultural workers, casual workers, and at-home workers. Benefits are typically paid by an insurance company, but some employers are allowed to be …